Speaker: Roberto Bonezzi (HU Berlin)
Title: Worldlines, gluons and (hopefully) color-kinematics duality
The double copy construction of gravitational amplitudes relies on a hidden property of gauge theories, known as color-kinematics duality. Despite a lot of experimental evidence and some partial proofs, its origin remains somewhat mysterious. Recent progress in the double copy of Yang-Mills theory suggests that gauge theories possess an off-shell hidden kinematic algebra, which ought to be responsible for the duality at the level of amplitudes. At the field theory level, this hidden algebra is quite convoluted and hard to describe. Inspired by string theory, where the double copy was first discovered, I will present a worldline model which describes full Yang-Mills theory at the perturbative level. I will show how the worldline carries the gluon degrees of freedom, and how its interactions are described by the insertion of vertex operators. This is a first step in view of deriving the kinematic algebra from string-inspired techniques, such as the OPE of vertex operators.