
Fri 22/11/2024    

13:30 - 14:30


Room 1.221, IRIS building
Zum großen Windkanal 6, Berlin, 12489

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Speaker: Moritz Kade (HU Berlin)

Title: Supersymmetric brick wall and fishnet diagrams in double-scaled beta-deformations of N=4 SYM and ABJM

I will introduce the superspace formulation of the double-scaled beta-deformation of N=4 SYM and ABJM theory. These superconformal QFTs admit regular brick wall and fishnet Feynman supergraphs in the planar limit. In both cases, the superpropagators can be interpreted as lattice weights and the vacuum graphs as periodic partition functions, such that the free energy in the thermodynamic limit is obtained by the method of inversion relations. In the QFT context, this quantity corresponds to its critical coupling. Furthermore, the regular structure of the supergraphs allows the use of integrability-based techniques for calculating all-loop results for anomalous dimensions, which were developed in the context of the bi-scalar fishnet theory.