
Wed 26/06/2024    

13:30 - 14:30


Room 1.221, IRIS building
Zum großen Windkanal 6, Berlin, 12489

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Speaker: Changrim Ahn (Ewha Womans University Seoul)

Title: UV completeness with fractional SUSY

Interesting but rare kinds of QFTs are those that interpolate two limiting CFTs exactly. They are valuable examples of how the UV and IR properties relate and can be applied to string, QFTs, and condensed matter systems.
Based on the IR CFTs and integrable deformations associated with energy-momentum tensors, we have introduced a general framework to construct those QFTs based on the S-matrices. The RG flows are generated by the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA). Based on this, we propose new concrete QFTs with fractional SUSY in terms of Z_n Parafermion.
Based on works: C. Ahn and A. LeClair (2205.10905) and C. Ahn and Z. Bajnok (in preparation)


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