The QFT Coffee Club
Become a member of our coffee-club in order to enjoy fresh ground espresso, coffee or cappuccinos from our Jura machine!
Membership fee: 5 Euro/month
Please pay via monthly bank transfer (“Dauerauftrag”) to the coffee club account:
IBAN: DE98 5001 0517 5413 6741 61
Account Holder: Jan Plefka
Bank: ING Bank
The fee covers coffee, milk and supplies such as cleaning tablets and filters. As a member you are entitled to drink as much coffee as you fancy.
Note that this is the only way for members of our groups (AG Forini, AG Hohm, AG Malek, AG Patella, AG Plefka, AG Staudacher, AG van Tongeren) to enjoy the Jura coffee. The pay by cup method is only meant for visitors!