Transparencies of recent Talks and Lectures by Jan Plefka
- High-precision Gravitational Wave Physics from a Worldline Quantum Field Theory
Colloquium, BCTP-Bonn, LMU Munich, HU Berlin, 2023.
- Classical Black Hole Scattering from a Worldline Quantum Field Theory
Colloquium, DESY, 2022. MP4 Video
- Scattering amplitudes and hidden symmetries in gauge theories
Seminar, ENS Lyon, 2016.
- The world as a hologram: News from String Theory
Public Lecture King’s College London, 2015.
- Scattering amplitudes and hidden symmetries in supersymmetric gauge theories
Hauptvortrag DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 2014.
- Scattering amplitudes and hidden symmetries in gauge theories
Kolloquium ETH Zürich, 2014.
- Die Welt als Hologramm: Neues aus der Stringtheorie
Vortrag bei der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften 2015, Juni 2015.
- Recent Developments in AdS/CFT
Review Talk, Bad Honnef Meeting Beyond the Standard Model, March 2009.